1. Omega fatty acid
Flaxseeds or linseeds contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids (alpha linolenic acid) and omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid).
2. Lignans
These seeds are also a great source of lignan, which is a plant compound rich in antioxidants and estrogen properties. This is why they help in weight loss by improving the functioning of the cells that burn fat.
3. Fibre
The tiny brown seeds also contain fibre, which can help you lose belly fat.
4. Protein
These flax seeds are a great source of plant-based protein and are low in calories, thereby giving your metabolism a serious boost and preventing weight gain.
Flaxseeds tea
1 tbsp flaxseed powder
Honey (to taste)
1.5 cups water
Flaxseeds and yogurt
- Combine powdered flaxseeds and curd in a deep bowl and mix them well. Serve immediately.
- It is one of the easiest ways to enjoy flaxseeds as a flavourful snack, which is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin D.
Flaxseeds drink
3-4 tbsp flaxseeds
1 cup water
- Take a cup of water into a bowl, and add flaxseeds to it.
- Let it stay like that until morning.
- In the morning, strain the liquid and consume it first thing on an empty stomach.
Consume twice or thrice in a week.
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