Apple cider vinegar and acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar is generally made from crushed apples. Bacteria and yeast are added to ferment the liquid. At first, the liquid is similar to a hard apple cider because of the alcohol content. More fermentation changes the alcohol into vinegar.

Organic and raw apple cider vinegar are both allowed to ferment naturally. These liquids are unfiltered and typically take on a brownish, cloudy appearance. This process leaves behind the “mother” of the apple.

The mother is a cobweb-like substance found at the bottom of all bottles of organic apple cider vinegar. Nonorganic apple cider vinegar is pasteurized, and the mother of apple is removed.

It’s thought that the mother is rich in enzymes, proteins, and pectin. Because of this, organic varieties are considered the gold standard when used to treat health conditions, such as acid reflux.

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?

The acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar may provide several health benefits.

For some people, acid reflux may be a result of too little stomach acid. Proponents of this remedy claim apple cider vinegar might be beneficial because it introduces more acid into the digestive tract. This acid is also effective against several types of bacteria and acts as an antimicrobial agent.

Apple cider vinegar may also help people with diabetes manage blood sugar. Ingesting vinegar can raise your body’s insulin sensitivity. This allows the insulin to move glucose through your body and decrease your blood sugar levels.

How to use apple cider vinegar to treat acid reflux

You may try using apple cider vinegar to relieve acid reflux symptoms, but there’s no guarantee it’ll work. It’s thought this home remedy helps balance your stomach pH by balancing stomach acid.

It’s generally accepted as safe to consume a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Dilute it with water. This should relieve any burning sensation caused by the acid in the vinegar.


Risks and warnings

Some people may experience side effects after consuming apple cider vinegar. They can include:

  • tooth erosion
  • blood thinning
  • throat irritation
  • decreased potassium


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