You will likely be constipated on keto

Most people right away will get pretty constipated.

You could experience diarrhea on keto

Alternatively, some people may have the opposite problem.

this occurs when people don’t digest all the fat they’re consuming.

Your poop will probably look different

Stool will have less bulk, due to lack of fiber, and be smaller in size, which isn’t exactly ideal.

Your poop could smell different

That’s because eating a lot of high fat foods makes stool move more slowly through the gastrointestinal track.

You may see blood from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal that become inflamed from straining or sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time.

So, how do you prevent these awful side effects?

Many keto dieters rely on magnesium powder or pills to poop.

drinking plenty of water and taking a fiber supplement like psyllium husk.

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