
Working Out on a Low Carb Diet


Stand approximately eight to 12 inches away from a chair or a park bench, facing away from the seat of it. Now bend your legs, push your rear out and bend forward till you are seated on the chair. Do 10 repetitions.

Beginners: Rest for a second, then put your hands on your thighs, push off using your legs, and stand up again. Non-beginners: Just let your rear touch the seat of the chair and come right back up, keeping tension on the muscles throughout the movement.

Wall Push-Ups:

If you’re outdoors, you can use a tree. If you’re indoors, use a wall. Stand about arm’s length away from the tree or wall; extend both arms out and place both hands on the wall, shoulder width apart, arms extended at a right angle to the torso like you’re saying “Stop!” Now lean in towards the wall or tree, bending the elbows as you come forward, and straightening the elbows as you push away back to starting position. Do 10 repetitions.

Non-beginners can do “regular” push-ups on the ground, either full military style or with knees on the ground.


Lie on the floor with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor and hands clasped behind your head with the elbows touching the ground. Your head should be in position with the body so that you could hold an apple between your chest and your chin. Imagine Velcroing your lower back to a piece of Velcro on the floor where your lower back is. You may feel like you’re doing a small pelvic thrust slightly forward to accomplish this. Keep your lower back nice and stable in this position.

Curl your upper body forward and up holding the highest position for a full second before lowering your upper body back to the ground. Don’t pull on your neck when you come up. When you lower your upper torso back to the ground, don’t return all the way to the “relaxed” position where your weight is supported by the ground, but rather to a point where your upper body is just above the ground and the abs are still contracted.

Remember to keep your elbows all the way back while doing the motion.

Repeat for as many reps as you can manage in good form. The goal is to try for 10-20 repetitions.


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