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What is Macro Cycling?

Macro cycling is a diet where you eat varying amounts of carbohydrates and fats over alternating 2–week periods. People who use macro cycling are generally trying to lose weight. Though some individuals have found it can help promote weight loss. What is macro cycling? Macro cycling is a way of dieting where you alternate how...


The 2 Types of Belly Fat

What are the different types of belly fat? Subcutaneous belly fat is the fat that’s found under your skin it is soft, and it’s the fat you see “jiggling” on your belly. In general, women have greater amounts of subcutaneous fat than men. Visceral belly fat s the fat that surrounds internal organs like your...


Going Low-Carb?

What’s a Carbohydrate? Carbohydrates are typically our body’s main source of energy, which comes in the form of glucose. Energy from glucose is used by our body to support everything from digestion. Carbohydrates consist of both simple sugars. Carbs are found naturally in plants like fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, as well as animal products...


Myths About Low-Carb Diets

Hard to be consistent. Some people claim that low-carb diets are unsustainable because they restrict common food groups. This is said to lead to feelings of deprivation, causing people to abandon the diet. Keep in mind that all diets restrict something — some certain food groups or macronutrients, others calories. On a calorie-restricted diet, you’re...


What’s the Ideal Ketosis Level?

Target ketone levels for weight loss After starting the keto diet, it takes your body a few days to burn through its carbs, which are stored as glycogen in your liver and muscles. Once these carb stores are gone, you’ll switch to producing ketones from either dietary fat. How to achieve optimal ketone levels To achieve...


Low Carb Diet May Help People with Type 2 Diabetes

Low carb diets linked to higher rates of remission People with type 2 diabetes are intolerant to carbohydrates, and eating them in excess can increase their blood sugar levels and require them to take higher doses of insulin or diabetes medication. With low carb diets, 26 percent of daily calories came from carbohydrates, and with a very low carb diet,...


Is low carb and keto safe during pregnancy?

You shouldn’t go on a low-carb diet, or follow a restrictive or weight-loss diet, while you’re pregnant. This is because we can’t be sure that diets are safe for you or your baby. Going on a low-carb diet while you’re pregnant may affect your baby’s weight, and how she develops. Low-carb diets tend to be high in...


Keto While Pregnant

What is the keto diet? On the keto diet, you’re typically allowed lots of meat and fat, but less than 50 grams (g) of carbs a day. 165 g fat 40 g carbohydrates 75 g protein Risk for pregnant women: Nutrient deficiencies Carbs are a huge no-no in this diet — including fruits and most vegetables,...


Foods That Give You Clear Skin

  Dark Chocolate Chocolate is not just a mood booster; it is also a skin booster! Dark chocolate with minimum 70 percent cocoa provides sun protection because it contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are plant natural compounds which have strong antioxidant properties.   Green Tea Most green tea contains ECGC. This substance is mainly responsible for the...


Keto vs Low-Carb Diet

What is the keto diet? The keto diet has become popular among fad dieters for its rumored benefits on weight loss. Can it help you lose weight? Maybe at first—but don’t expect the results to stick around. Low-carb diets can be effective for weight loss in the short-term. What is a typical “low-carb” diet? a...