Low Carb Chocolate Cake

Heres the recipe:
Almond flour: 3 big spoon
hersheys cocoa  spoon
Stevia sugar:2 sachet(dpendi sa panlasa mo)
Baking soda:1 tspn
Baking powder:1tspn
Cooking cream:3 big spoon
Olive oil or butter:3 spoon
Mix all the ingredients and bake po for 25 to 30 min..check po ng tootpick if clean n po ang tootpick means done n po xa??
#For fr0sting:
Stevia sugar:2 sachet
Cocoa pwder:3 big spoon
Cooking cream:2 spoon
Cream cheese:2 spoon
Mix in a high speed at ref nyo for 10 min..then ready na for frosting.??

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