- Lowcarb Ube Puto MarbleIngredients:1 cup coconut flour6 eggs1 tablespoon Equal GoldFew drops of Mccormick Ube essence.Procedure1. Crack 4 eggs separating egg white from yolk.2. Beat egg white until stiff. Add half a tablespoon sweetener. Continue beat. Set aside3.Crack additional 2 egg on the egg yolk, and mix. Add cocunot flour gradually. Mix until well combine4. Spoon an egg white mixture over egg and coconut flour mixture. Mix. Continue procedure until well combined5. Scoop a portion if mixture separately and add few drops of Ube essence.6.Grease molder and transfer non ube mix, dividing equally on the number your molder.7.Scoop ube mixture and top to non ube mix. Use toothpick to mix to create marble effect.8. Steam for 15minsIngredients for Lowcarb Choco Dip2 table spoon unsweetened cocoa powderA tablespoon of Equal Golda cup of all purpose creama tablespoon of butterProcedure1. Combine All purpose cream,Equal Gold and cocoa powder in a pan.Mix well.2.Bring to low fire and continue stirring using whisk or spatula.3.When mixture becomes thick. Add butter and continue stir until smooth.4. Transfer to a bowl.
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