Cheat meals or days are discouraged on the Low Carb diet because they can easily break ketosis — the metabolic state that’s the hallmark of this diet.

If you’ve cheated on Low Carb die, you’ll need to strictly adhere to the diet to reenter ketosis. A few techniques, such as intermittent fasting, fat fasting, and exercise, may help you reach ketosis faster.


In truth, we dislike the term “cheating.” We use it since many people relate to it, but what does it really mean? Does it mean you are “getting away with something?” Does it mean you are gaining something unfairly? What it really means is that you are just cheating on yourself. That’s why we prefer the term “going off-plan.” That shows we have a plan, we are moving towards a goal, and sometimes we go off plan. And sometimes that’s OK, as you will read in this guide. However, since “cheat” is a commonly used term that many people relate to, we do use it frequently in this guide.


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